transforming food systems together
Welcome to NFP Connects. Here you will find communities and resources on food systems approaches and putting these into practice.

Who is NFP Connects for?
Food and nutrition security professionals from policy, research and practice.
Professionals in sectors that are closely related to food systems.
Professionals and experts looking for inspiration from peers worldwide.
Unlocking Insights from IPBES Nexus & Transformative Change Reports
Bine Liem, Dutch UN youth representative on Biodiversity and Food, recently attended the 11th plenary session of the IPBES. As a special feature here on NFP Connects, Bine reflects back on participating in the conference, the final contents of the Nexus and Transformative Change Assessment reports, and the relevance to a food systems approach.
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Transforming food systems together
NFP Connects is an online community cultivated by Netherlands Food Partnership. As an organisation, NFP is dedicated towards creating a world without hunger, in which everyone has access to sustainable, healthy, safe and affordable food.