Youth and Sustainable Agriculture

To meaningfully engage youth in sustainable agriculture, Netherlands Food Partnership supports the initiation of partnerships and learning and exchange between initiatives across Africa
Youth play a vital role in creating healthy, sustainable and equitable food systems. At the same time, their involvement in the agricultural sector is limited, due to a lack of opportunities and enabling circumstances that young farmers, agripreneurs and professionals need to thrive.
Promoting youth engagement and employment in food systems has become a priority for food systems actors across Africa, resulting in a wide range of policies, programmes and interventions. NFP supports the learning and exchange between policy makers, youth networks and youth agripreneurship initiatives with the aim to develop and implement more effective and inclusive youth agripreneurship interventions that meet the needs of different youth groups.
In this, we build on the lessons and results of the Youth in Agroecology and Business Learning Track Africa (YALTA). You will find updates on the YALTA follow up initiatives in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia and the Eastern African partnership on accelerating business opportunities for young entrepreneurs in agroecology. This is also the home to the new Community of Practice on Youth Agripreneurship, that facilitates learning and exchange on youth agripreneurship interventions across Africa.
Community lead

Bente Meindertsma
Coalition Builder Netherlands Food Partnership