
Outcomes: ECDPM-NFP informal roundtable discussion 20 October in Rome

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Roundtable session II - Financing the food systems transformation: improved mechanisms for public and private finances to work in synergy for greater impact

On 20 October 2023, ECDPM and the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) hosted an informal roundtable discussion at the CGIAR premises in Rome titled 'Food systems finance and climate and food nexus: An action-oriented dialogue for a stronger engagement of the Dutch food network at the Rome-based agencies'. The event aimed to bridge connections and strengthen Dutch food network actors' engagement with the work of the Rome-based agencies.

The discussion, facilitated by ECDPM and NFP, focused on enhancing the engagement of the Dutch food network with the UN Rome-based agencies (RBAs) in the areas of climate-food nexus and food systems finance. The meeting emphasized the potential contributions of Dutch knowledge institutes, civil society, and businesses to the work of RBAs. The attached report highlights specific joint actions proposed for the short and medium to long term, based on the valuable ideas and contributions shared during the discussion. 

Main Conclusions

Dutch knowledge institutes, civil society and businesses can be of added value for the work of the UN Rome-based agencies (RBAs), especially in Africa.

Greater engagement and impact can be achieved through:

  • Working together at COP28 towards a coherent food system and agriculture agenda
  • Supporting the development of climate-resilient food system pathways at the country level
  • Strengthening the inclusivity of country-level planning and implementation
  • Facilitating youth engagement
  • Sharing lessons learned on successful investment programmes in agri-food systems
  • Improving the policy and regulatory environment for agri-food system investments to flow
  • Leveraging the work of the RBAs to improve the economic, social and environmenta impacts of investments in agri-food systems
  • Better monitoring of the progress of food systems transformation efforts

For the full outcome document see here

To find out more about the project and get future updates, please visit the project page or get in touch with Nicole Metz, Senior Knowledge Broker at the Netherlands Food Partnership at 



Nicole Metz

Senior Knowledge Broker - Netherlands Food Partnership

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