
Webinar: The value of systems thinking in understanding food systems

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We are ending the second week of this years food systems transformation e-course. As part of the second module, a plenary webinar took place on 14 February 2024, entitled The value of systems thinking in understanding food systems. Helena Posthumus and Bram Peters are the invited guests to make presentations.

Helena Posthumus is programme manager at WCDI. She is program director of DeSIRA-LIFT (Leveraging the 'Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture' Initiative for Agri-Food Systems Transformation). Her expertise includes food systems, agricultural innovation systems, adoption and scaling of innovations, sustainable agriculture, value chain development, impact evaluations and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL).

Bram Peters is a Food Systems Programme Facilitator working at University of Oxford. In this role, Bram contributes to furthering the global learning and knowledge brokering agenda of the FoSTr programme and facilitates strategic engagement among Foresight4Foods diverse range of stakeholders. Prior to working with Foresight4Food, Bram worked on a diverse portfolio of development and capacity strengthening projects related to inclusive agri-market system development, responsible business conduct, and food systems analysis pilots in Africa and Asia. As the FoSTr Programme Facilitator, Bram seeks to create meaningful connections among Foresight4Food stakeholders and translate food systems analysis into transformative action.

The recorded video is available below in three parts. Watch and reflect what you think.

Part I – Presentation by Helena Posthumus

Part II – Presentation by Bram Peters

Part III – Questions and Discussions


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Gizaw Legesse

Content Creator, AnkuarData

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