
Enthusiastic students at info-session Lukenya University

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image: info-session at Lukenya University

It has been a while ago but prior to the registration deadline on March 16th, promotional events were in full swing across all universities to raise awareness about the Food Systems Innovation Challenge. One of these universities is Lukenya University in Kenya where more than 500 students attended the information session of the Food Systems Innovation Challenge. We asked the coordinator of the university, Judith Wufala, to reflect on the event.

“During the session, the Sustainable Development Goals Champion, Esther Muli, elucidated the objectives of the Food Systems Innovation Challenge and its alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To make the session more interactive we asked students to form teams of 2 to 5 students and to collaborate on conceptualizing innovative solutions, as has to be done in the challenge as well. Students were enthusiastically engaged which shows that there's enthusiasm and commitment to addressing the complexities of our food systems and advancing sustainable development goals.”

We are very happy with the interest of the students of Lukenya University in the Food Systems Innovation Challenge. We eagerly await the innovative designs and solutions that the teams from Lukenya University will come up with during the challenge!

Are you interested in which teams of Lukenya University (or other university) are selected to join the challenge? Then join the announcement event on 16 April! 

What would have been your idea on a food system innovation? You can comment below! We would be happy to see all the creative thoughts!


Whats App Image 2021 12 18 at 17 31 45

Maaike de Wit

Communication Coordinator WUR Student Challenges (Wageningen University & Research)

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