Driving Change in Global Food Systems: enhancing the role of Dutch food stakeholders in the Rome-based processes

The Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) and the ECDPM have started a new initiative geared towards emphasising the significance of engaging with the Rome-based Agencies to address pressing challenges spanning food security, sustainability, and climate change.
Why Engage with the Rome-Based Agencies?
Central to this initiative is the integral role played by the UN agencies in Rome - FAO, IFAD, WFP and increasingly the CGIAR. Their influence extends far beyond their individual mandates and covers a broad spectrum of issues at the top of the global food and agriculture agenda. By forging stronger links and aligning our efforts with these agencies, we aim to increase the impact of knowledge sharing, partnership building and policy development.
This collaboration underscores the distinctive strengths of Dutch knowledge institutions, civil society organisations, and businesses. By leveraging their experience, networks and capacities, our goal is to further enhance the effectiveness of Rome-based agencies in Africa and in global policymaking. Through dialogue and networking, our initiative seeks to bridge connections between the Dutch food network, their African partners, and the Rome-based agencies, fostering mutual synergies and productive partnerships.
Establishing Connections: We establish links with key individuals within FAO, IFAD, WFP and CGIAR in Rome and the Dutch food network, and connect and strengthen existing initiatives
Promoting knowledge sharing: We aim to find knowledge gaps and encourage knowledge sharing among Dutch stakeholders like universities, NGOs, companies, banks, the Dutch government, and UN agencies in Rome by organising independent roundtable discussions and policy dialogues, providing a platform for all stakeholders to articulate their viewpoints and gain insights from each other's experiences.
Boosting cross-sectoral actions: We encourage the involvement of non-governmental actors in policy debates with the Rome-based agencies. In doing so we aim to boost collaborations and cross-sectoral action at the intersection of food systems and climate change.
How to participate?
As this project unfolds, we invite you to join us on this journey.
Stay tuned for updates, events, and ways to participate in the Community space.
Join our events. If some are invitation-only, reach out to us to check for available slots.
If your organisation, company, or knowledge institute is interested in joining the initiative, contact us to discuss benefits and contributions. Reach us at info@nlfoodpartnership.com.
You're welcome to contribute a blog about your organisation's work with FAO, IFAD, WFP or CGIAR. Reach out to our team by email, and we will post it in the Community.

Nicole Metz
Senior Knowledge Broker - Netherlands Food Partnership
Ruth van de Velde
Knowledge Broker
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