Responsible Scaling for Food Systems Transformation
February 12, 2024
07:00 AM - 09:00 AM
Event by Netherlands Food Partnership & CGIAR (in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, and RVO
On Tuesday February 13th, a breakfast meeting on Scaling Readiness: CGIARs novel approach to evidence-based management of innovation and scaling investment portfolios will take place.
Scaling of innovations is challenging, but important to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in low and middle income countries in an evidence-based and efficient way. Like many other organizations, CGIAR manages 1000s of innovation projects that aim at achieving impact at scale. The Scaling Readiness approach helps organizations to monitor how ready innovations are for scaling and encourages critical reflection on what appropriate actions could accelerate or enhance scaling. Developed by CGIAR in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research, this tool can be used to significantly improve the chances for success of innovation and scaling investments. It allows organizations to manage their innovation portfolios in an evidence-based way, and CGIAR is eager to share its promising results and experiences with Dutch policy makers and other partners.
- 09.00 - 09.30 Walk-in: breakfast and network
- 09.30 - 09.40 Opening
Wilma van Esch, Head Food Security Division, IGG Department, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 09.40 - 09.55 Scaling from a systems perspective (From Theory)
Presented by Cees Leeuwis - Wageningen University and Research, professor of collaborative research, communication and change). Previous Senior Expert of NL-CGIAR Strategic Partnership - 09.55 - 10.30 Experience deep dive (To Practice)
Presented by Marc Schut - Senior Innovation Portfolio Management Advisor at CGIAR and Senior Scientist at Wageningen University & Research
& Lisette Meij - Program Advisor LAND-at-scale at Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
Mainstreaming Scaling Readiness in CGIAR
Examples from ILRI, CGIAR and RVO Land-at-Scale
CGIAR innovation portfolio management
- 10.30 - 10.55 Open dialogue
How can Scaling Readiness support both policy and implementation? - 10.55 - 11.00 Final remarks and closing
The meeting will be facilitated by Coosje Hoogendoorn, on behalf of Netherlands Food Partnership
Contact person
Mariëlle Karssenberg
Knowledge Broker - Netherlands Food Partnership
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Evans Makori, a Fisheries Officer. In scaling up food systems more emphasis should be on small scale producers to enhance wealth distribution and economic empowerment of people in the lower income bracket.
Mariëlle Karssenberg
AuthorDear Evans Makori Mochegwa, Thank you for your contribution. Do you have an example of a project or experience where you saw they included such emphasis well?
Yes, In Kenya we have the projects known as (KelCop) Kenya livestock commercialization Project and Aquaculture Business Development Project (ABDP) which are being funded by IFAD and they are really helping small holder armers to commercialize their farming.