
Youth consultation: Working with Local Institutions to Improve Market Access for Young Agripreneurs

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Pre consultation at GAIN Tanzania 

On May 23, the CoP Youth Agripreneurship Working Group focusing on market access brought together a diverse group of youth agripreneurs and advocates in a hybrid youth consultation event, with the aims to map local institutions and decision-making processes critical for better market access, identify challenges, and define the roles of different actors in addressing these challenges.

In preparation for the online event, the working group members GAIN, VSO & EAFF organised youth pre-sessions both online and in-person at their country offices in Kenya (Makueni & Nairobi county) and Tanzania. These pre-sessions gave youth champions the space to exchange lessons on collaborating with local institutions such as county governments, private-sector associations, and cooperatives. Based on this collaborative brainstorm the event seeked to identify recommendations to effectively link with existing social and political structures in order to bring these forward towards representatives from local institutions in the next CoP Learning Session.

6 Recommendations to improve market access for young agripreneurs

  1. Enhance institutional collaboration by forming youth associations to facilitate collective advocacy, ensuring their voices are heard in policy and decision-making processes.

  2. Enhance coordination and sustainable collaboration among local government bodies, NGOs, and cooperatives to ensure continuous support and market access for young farmers.

  3. Establish strong partnerships with financial institutions to enhance access to tailored financing options, including loans with flexible repayment terms.

  4. Leverage digital platforms for marketing and advocacy, providing youth with modern tools to reach broader markets.

  5. Create affordable licensing systems to facilitate easier market entry.

  6. Improve communication and information dissemination through centralised systems and one-stop centres, ensuring youth have access to relevant and timely information.

Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach involving capacity-building, improved coordination and information dissemination, and robust stakeholder engagement.

Please check the full report, including the detailed reports of the four pre consultations for more details.

Are there any recommendations that we missed? Please add your recommendations in the comments below.


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Bente Meindertsma

Coalition Builder Netherlands Food Partnership


Joscha Betke

Knowledge Broker @ The Broker

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