The NFP True Pricing Seed Fund 2024: call for proposals closed

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NFP launched its 100k True Pricing Seed Fund for the first time in March 2024. The aim of the fund is to stimulate new initiatives or boosting components of existing initiatives that focus on true pricing or true cost accounting within food value chains that have significant impact on social and/or environmental costs in LMICs.

As the world becomes more aware of the need for sustainable change and a fairer economy, it has become clear that transformation of the global food system is a key priority to make this happen. This as the global food system currently encompasses around 11 trillion dollars of hidden costs such as water pollution, insufficient living wage, child labour, etc. True pricing is a growing theme on the national and international level among companies, governments, consumers and scientists, as a solution towards a sustainable food system. To stimulate projects on true pricing within food value chains that have significant impact in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) launched the True Pricing Seed Fund for the first time in 2024.

Organizations in the public sector, private sector, civil society and knowledge institutes were invited to submit proposals for the start up of new initiatives or boosting components of existing initiatives that focus on true pricing within food value chains that have significant impact on social and/or environmental costs in LMICs. The fund was open for applications from March to June 2024. 

Type of projects and funding

Projects funded through NFPs true pricing seed fund are limited in budget and time span. The project budget is between €10.000 and €50.000 (including all relevant taxes) per eligible project. Projects need to be concluded before 31 December 2024.

Activities can include such things as true pricing assessments, studies and advice on specific food value chains and their externalities; workshops, training and coaching; or policy influencing and consumer awareness campaigns.

Approved true pricing initiatives

NFP received 9 applications of which 3 were approved by the selection committee. Approved project proposals and final project results will be published on NFP Connects. In case of sensitivities, in agreement with the NFP, specific information may be kept confidential.


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Ninja Lacey

Coalition Builder

20180927 0476

Lisette van Benthum

NFP Coalition Builder

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  • Anonymous

    Before I prepare a proposal I like to know if Somalia is included. At present we are looking into the possibility to establish a camel dairy farm near Garowe in Puntland. There only lactating camels and their calves will be kept which we will lease from the pastoralists. These are the most vulnerable animals. At the farm they get the best food and treatment. Part of the feed is made by us from fish waste, which contains much protein which will boost milk production. The process was developped in cooperation with WUR about 12 years ago. Camel milk is an important part of the daily diet of Somalians.

    • Ninja Lacey

      Thank you for your message! Initiatives that focus on true pricing or true cost accounting within food value chains that have significant impact on social and/or environmental costs in LMICs can apply - and Somalia is considered an LMIC country (see: ). Before you apply through the form that can be downloaded at the top of this article, we advice all parties to read up on what true pricing really entails (see for example this one-pager:, and to pay close attention to the criteria mentioned on this page. We look forward to hearing from you!

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