
Kenya’s Breeding Sector: Bridging Knowledge Gaps for Dairy Success

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The Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands and the Dairy Training Centre partnered to conduct a comprehensive study on the knowledge and capacity needs of inseminators in Nakuru County and the Directorate of Veterinary Services in Kenya. The study, completed in mid-2022, aimed to identify gaps in knowledge and training to enhance successful inseminations and ultimately boost the dairy sector.

The study encompassed a diverse range of stakeholders, including government bodies, dairy cooperative unions, training institutions, and bovine semen breeding companies. The anticipated outcomes go beyond addressing immediate insemination concerns, extending to identifying lucrative business opportunities in the broader dairy value chain.

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(L to R) Mr. Han Tellegen (DTC), Dr. Immaculate Maina (former Nakuru County CECM for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries), Mr. Eric Kimalit (DTC), and Dr. V. W. Wanjohi (Ag. CDVS, Nakuru) in the CECM Office, Nakuru, during interviews in 2022

Dr. Alice Wanjema, former Nakuru County Director of Veterinary Services, emphasized the importance of strengthening knowledge and skills capacities among inseminators. The dairy sector is a key player in Kenya’s agricultural landscape, contributing significantly to the GDP and providing employment in rural areas. With smallholder farms producing about 80% of the country’s total milk, the potential for growth in this sector is immense.

The findings of the study shed light on challenges faced by the breeding sub-sector. Inadequate AI service-related record-keeping and analysis, coupled with financial constraints, hinder successful inseminations. Despite Nakuru County’s efforts to support extension services and invest in essential resources, financial limitations persist.

The study also uncovered significant gaps in the knowledge and skills of inseminators, particularly in dairy fertility management, breeding programs, farm economics, and e-learning. The study recommended tailored training programs to address these gaps and enhance the quality and efficiency of insemination services.

The study is a milestone in the development of the dairy sector in Kenya, as it provides evidence-based insights and recommendations to improve the breeding sub-sector. By bridging the knowledge gaps, the study hopes to pave the way for a more productive and profitable dairy industry.

Knowledge and Capacity needs assessment of artificial inseminators in Nakuru and Directorate of Veterinary Services

This report responds to the terms of reference from the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands (EKN) with the general objectives to assess the knowledge and capacity needs of Nakuru County inseminators and directorate of Veterinary Service (DVS) staff at the national level.

For More Information

If you have questions for Dairy Training Centre, contact Eric K. Kimalit on . In case of questions for the Agricultural Counsellor contact the team via


Eric Kimalit

Eric Kimalit

Manager, PDTC Kenya

Alex Mounde Arisi

Alex Mounde

Communication officer NEADAP

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