
True Pricing around the world

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True pricing initiatives are sprouting up around the world: from supermarkets in the Netherlands, to case studies on climate smart coffee in Columbia. By downloading our interactive map you will have access to an overview of true pricing around the world, initiated by any party. The map includes links to case studies, true pricing policies, and many other initiatives. We also publish interview articles on this page, held with actors from the global true pricing community who have conducted case studies, implemented true pricing policies, or experimented with true pricing in general.

Should you know of any true pricing initiatives that are not yet included, send a message to Ninja Lacey (

Interested in exploring true pricing opportunities in your country? Or are you looking for potential collaborations around true pricing? Take a look at our Global Partnership for the True Price of Food and get in touch!



Sofia Vagnerova

Communications & Partnerships Intern at True Price Foundation

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