
The Global Partnership for the True Price of Food hosts second True Pricing Policy Forum

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2023 ended on a high note for the Global Partnership for the True Price of Food (GPTPF). During the second edition of the Policy Forum on the integration of True Pricing in food policy and legislation, esteemed professionals from government, civil society, knowledge institutes and the private sector dove into our discussion paper on Fixing Food Prices. With the input gathered from these professionals during the forum, GPTPF can further define tangible pathways to integrate True Pricing within food policy that are also feasible for practitioners within the food sector. Stay tuned for the final paper!

Next to the collection of input on the discussion paper, invited speakers inspired participants through various presentations.

Wilco de Lijster of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality, provided participants with insights from the Ministry with regards to the business cases for making food value chains more sustainable. Reinier de Adelhart Toorop, Impact Researcher at our partner organisation Impact Institute, presented the FAO State of Food and Agriculture 2023  report, to which Impact Institute contributed. In this report, the FAO emphasises the need to reveal hidden environmental, health and social costs and benefits of agrifood systems. GPTPF is of course no stranger to this concept! In addition, Egon van Wees of Amsterdam Impact (an initiative of the City of Amsterdam’s Department of Economic Affairs) showed us concrete examples of local efforts for True Pricing initiatives in Amsterdam.

The discussions during the forum underscored the urgency of embracing true pricing and the collective responsibility we bear for positive societal impact. We thank all the participants for their active contributions. A special thank you to  Werner Schouten who skillfully moderated our discussions.

GPTPF continues its efforts to make healthy, sustainable, and affordable food accessible to all through true pricing in 2024. In the short term, we will finalise the ‘fixing food prices’ paper with the input from policy forum participants and GPTPF members, and use it as a tool to advocate for the integration of True Pricing in policy and practice. We are further exploring opportunities in Rwanda to launch a True Pricing pilot project together with local partners. In the meantime, our coalition is still in development. If you are working in the food sector and are interested in integrating true pricing in your work, read more about the partnership, reach out to us via or become a member.


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Ninja Lacey

Coalition Builder

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Lisette van Benthum

NFP Coalition Builder

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