
NEADAP joins IFAD partners in promoting low-carbon and climate-resilient livestock in East Africa

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The Netherlands East Africa Dairy Partnership (NEADAP) participated in the IFAD partner's meeting on Pathways To Dairy Net Zero (PADNET), held in Kigali, Rwanda from 13th to 15th September 2023. NEADAP was represented by Tom Ole Sikar, the NEADAP coordinator for Tanzania. The theme of the meeting was Promoting Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Livestock in East Africa.

PADNET aims to foster the adoption of emission-reducing, productivity-enhancing practices and technologies by small-scale farmers and commercial producers. The technical workshop presented the initial findings on the studies undertaken as part of the design process and discussed the programme components, theory of change and implementation arrangements at country levels.

The PADNET programme is a PPP-led initiative to achieve breakthroughs in emission reductions, especially methane emissions while increasing higher milk productivity and income for dairy farmers.

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The ministries of livestock from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda outlined the national trends in the dairy sector responses to climate change. Common issues had emerged which also have significant relevance to NEADAP solutions. These were:

  • Feeds and feeding practices. 75% of emissions come from enteric fermentation as the result of poor feeding. Improving cow nutrition can reduce GHG emissions. Supporting farmers to ensure year-round availability of feeds, improved seed varieties and availability, climate-smart production of feeds, and balancing dairy diets into correct quantities and quality nutrients are some of the common key issues.
  • Rumen 8, a software application for balancing dairy cow diets, generated interest from FAO and IFAD. They made follow-up visits to NEADAP in Nairobi where Prodairy made a more detailed presentation. IFAD country project technical design team led by the Tanzania Dairy Board also requested further sharing of the knowledge of Rumen8 software to support the identification of innovations and technologies for the PADNET proposal. ILRI in Uganda also indicated an interest in learning more about Rumen8 in practice and was linked to SNV for NEADAP activities in Uganda.
  • School Milk Programme (SMP). Increasing the consumption of milk, creating new markets for farmers and promoting the nutrition-sensitive dairy sector are some of the key issues. Kenya has a policy on SMP in place, and SMP is processor-led in some cases and several counties are taking up or are about to consider SMP. Kenya Dairy Board representative will visit NEADAP in Nairobi to discuss and learn more about the SMP experience and results from Uganda.
  • Manure management. Skills development, nutrient circle, soil health and testing, access to technologies, access to finance to offset high up-front costs are some of the key issues. Flex Biogas Company from Kenya was interested to meet with NEADAP in Nairobi to learn and explore collaboration in manure management. The connections were facilitated between Flexi Biogas and NEADAP
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For more information

Kindly contact Tom Ole Sikar, the NEADAP Tanzania coordinator at



Tom Ole Sikar

NEADAP Tanzania coordinator

Alex Mounde Arisi

Alex Mounde

Communication officer NEADAP

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